Moving The Heart & Soul

L I M I T E D  L I A B I L I T Y  C O M P A N Y


Founded in 2020, KYNETIC FILMS moved against an industry in stalemate and pushed to create powerful, nuanced works of art that focused on the inner human life of its stories & characters.

in 2023, we made it official.

We believe Less is More. For us, that means streamlining a story or a project to be its most effective, whether it's narratively, financially, or structurally.

What's important is the STORY.

At KYNETIC FILMS, our goal is to move the audience in a deep and meaningful way. We are committed to telling stories that speak to the collective consciousness we all share.

Featured Projects


Feature, Short, and TV length scripted storytelling.


Creating content to bring your product & business center-stage.


Telling real-life , unscripted stories that move your audience.


Social Media / Video content that makes you stand out.

Jack Murillo is an Actor and Award-Nominated Filmmaker of Indigenous Mexican descent who graduated from The Lee Strasberg Theater & Film Institute conservatory in Los Angeles, CA.

Afterwards, Jack enlisted in the Marine Corps Infantry and was shipped off to Marine Corps Boot Camp shortly after graduating High School. While in the Marine Corps Jack served as an Infantry Rifleman, Machine Gunner, and Scout/Sniper Platoon Marine, serving on two deployments with Marine Expeditionary Units.

Once his service was completed, he had a choice to make: join the Special Operations community, or pursue his dream as an Actor. He decided to become an Actor. He moved to Los Angeles a week after being Honorably Discharged where he began his studies. His work has since included Feature Films, Network Television, Streaming Television, Independent Films, Short Films, Theatre, National Commercials, and New Media.

He lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife Georgia.



 "Professionalism and artistic creation at it's finest. KF brings the artists vision to life and doesn't miss a frame." 

Therese Curatolo, Recording Artist, LA

"KF has been a pleasure to work with. Jack is a true artist with a great eye. Always early to deadlines. Highly recommend."

Chris Boudreaux, Producer, LA & LV

"Working with KF and their crew has allowed me to bring my visions to life in the most beautiful and collaborative way. Forever thankful!"

AJ Troup, Actor, LA


At KYNETIC FILMS we always aim high. Story, quality, character, and connection are our priorities. We aim for the heart and soul of the audience.

Our award-nominated projects prove that.


What are your prices?

Every project is different. Scale, type, length, it all comes into play. We'll take the time to create a package and price that fits the project. Contact us through our portal for a quote on your project, we'd love to chat.

Do  you only do filming?

KYNETIC FILMS is a powerhouse of creativity. We are capable of producing in whatever capacity is needed, be it writing, planning, filming, editing etc.

How long does a project take?

Every project goes through many phases. This greatly depends on the type & scale of the project, and can be a matter of several weeks to several months.

What type of payment methods do you accept?

You can pay KYNETIC FILMS through wire transfer deposit or Venmo.

Let's make

something wonderful...

Business Hours

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Los Angeles, CA, United States of America

Contact Us

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